615.833.2077 office@southendumc.org

Church Garden

The garden features —

Several varieties of tomatoes, green beans, strawberries, blackberries, cucumbers, hot peppers, and sweet potatoes; as well as wildflower beds to attract our pollinator friends!

Why do we have garden plots on the church lawn?

1. To make good use of the space on our large front lawn.

2. To grow good food for local consumption–for the community and for our church members.

3. For the experience of working together to produce something good.

4. To care for the earth that God has given us, by using and teaching best practices, which conserve water an increase the integrity of the soil.

How is the produce from these garden plots used?

1. Offered to neighbors who need fresh produce in the summer.

2. Small amounts of tomatoes and berries taken to our own homebound folks.

3. Taken to our partner agencies, such as Body and Soul Food Pantry and Community Care Fellowship.

For information on touring the garden, or scheduling an educational visit for your small group or class, contact us at 615-833-2077 or office@southendumc.org