How about a monthly night out with the girls?
This is a very active group!
During the monthly meetings, we share a potluck meal, a time of devotion, an occasional guest speaker, plans for upcoming events and projects, and friendly chatter. Our prayer time together is a special blessing.
In addition:
*Fellowship potluck meals following worship are organized several times a year, with a special Christmas meal prepared and gifted to the congregation.
*Members, family, and friends are encouraged with cards signed by the group.
*Backpacks are filled with gifts for our Room In The Inn guests at Christmas.
*College students are provided “care” packages during the school year.
*Ladies’ Day is hosted in the Spring—-a time when we invite all female church members, family, and friends to join us for fellowship and spiritual growth in varied settings.
*Monetary support goes to The Good Neighbor Fund and other projects.
*Habitat for Humanity is supported by providing breakfast for our workers on build day.
Please Join Us
Meetings are held on the second Tuesday of each month at 6:00 p.m. in the Fellowship House.
For more information, contact Co-Leaders:
Peggy Duke:
Gayle Gadsey: