Sunday Morning Worship – 10:30am
Our Sunday Morning service follows the liturgical tradition, blending ancient practices with modern worship elements.
All ages are free to worship together, and everyone is invited to participate and help lead the service. The word “liturgy” means “work of the people.” We believe worship is participatory!
- The music (instrumental and sung) represents a variety of musical styles including hymns and choruses, Southern Gospel, classical and original works.
- Adults and youth lead the congregation in prayer and scripture reading.
- Children, youth and adults serve as trained acolytes.
- The service includes a time for the public sharing of joys and concerns followed by prayer.
- Prayer candles in the sanctuary are available for lighting by anyone before and during the service.
Holy Communion is celebrated on the first Sunday of the month. Everyone is welcome to partake! People of all ages and traditions who are seeking the love of God through Jesus Christ are invited to partake of the sacrament.
We observe the liturgical seasons of Advent, Christmas, Epiphany, Lent, Eastertide, Pentecost, and Ordinary Time.
Children and Worship:
Children learn to worship by worshipping. We are glad they are in our midst!
We encourage children to be present with their families throughout the worship service. After the children’s message, children ages 0-2nd grade are welcome to exit the sanctuary with supervising adults to the nursery for children’s church (if they so wish!).
Worship bags for the children can be found in the entrance area to the sanctuary. These include quiet play items to keep little hands busy and little ears open!
There is also a Prayground play area for children at the back of the sanctuary with books and quiet activities if kids need to get up and wiggle.
Children are always invited to partake in the sacrament of Holy Communion
We encourage children beginning at the age of 3 years to be involved in the Sunday School hour, beginning at 9:15 am.
Address: 5042 Edmondson Pike, Nashville, TN 37211
Sunday school: 9:15-10:15am (for children and adults)
Worship: 10:30am
Worship Style: Casual Traditional.
Attire: Casual
Parking: Travel up the hill past the building with the cross, where you will find ample spaces in front of the sanctuary building (pictured below), as well as around the back and on the side of the Fellowship House.
Where do I Enter?
There are 2 buildings on our campus. The one with the A-Frame roof is the Sanctuary, housing worship and children’s Sunday school. The other is the Fellowship House, where our adults gather for class before worship.
For children’s Sunday school: Travel down the inclined sidewalk to the right of the sanctuary to the lower level (by the playground). Follow signs for the preschool.
For adult Sunday school: Enter in the side door of the Fellowship House. Follow signs for church offices and fellowship hall.
For worship: Enter the Sanctuary building through the main doors on the left. You will be given a bulletin as you enter, as well as a children’s worship bag for those with small children.
Nursery Care: Our Nursery Director, Ms. Lex, will be in the narthex at 10:15 ready to welcome you and get the children checked in! Once she has your info, you will begin worship together as a family. Early in the service there is a children’s message. After the children’s message, children ages 0 – 2nd Grade are welcome to travel with our Director downstairs to the nursery. You are welcome to accompany your child to the nursery, to ease the transition, or you may stay in worship!
Where Do I Sit? Before service, many of our members and regular attendees are moving around the sanctuary greeting each other. Choose seating in an area most comfortable for you!
Holy Communion: Holy Communion is served on the first Sunday of each month. Methodists practice what we call “an open table,” meaning all who are seeking the love of God through Jesus Christ are invited to partake.
We look forward to seeing you!